
Vật Chứng mong manh [Full]

Phim Vật Chứng Mong Manh
Tên Phim: Vật Chứng Mong Manh (33/33)
Tên Gốc: Certificate fragile objects (33/33)
Original title: Material Certificate fragile
Director: Nguyen Duy Vo Ngoc
Production capacity: HTV7
Category: Action , television , Vietnam's
Released: 2008
Cast: Leslie Cheung , Thuy Diem , welding Prince , international business , Dawn , Advanced outline , Royal ny , Q
Is set in the underworld of the gangs in HCMC and the highlands of Bao Loc, Lam Dong. The focal point of a corpse by the street children found in the landfill, the combatants police in the investigation of sex activities Wanderer, black society. Criminal Police Gia Vien is superior to direct insider Chi's played, a good martial art criminals, more intrigue, daring and cool.

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